On Tuesday January 10, Adoption STAR will be hosting a seminar at its Buffalo office (47 Plaza Dr. Williamsville) entitled “Financial Planning for the Adoptive Family.” The class will be led by Amy Jo Lauber, who is an adoptive parent and a financial adviser, and Lisa Allen, who is a tax attorney. The class will run from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
There will be many changes regarding the Adoption Tax Credit in 2012, and this class will answer all of your questions regarding the Adoption Tax Credit. It will also focus on overall financial planning for the future.
Amy Jo wrote a guest blog post in October about preparing financially for adoption. In the post she covered five topics that adoptive families should consider financially when adopting:
1. Decide if you will continue to work, investigate family leave options and address day care issues
2. Ways to fund the Adoption Placement Fee
3. Protection Issues (health insurance, life insurance etc.)
4. The Adoption Tax Credit
5. Visit your attorney
This FREE class is open to all adoptive families and prospective adoptive families. For more information and to RSVP call (716)639-3900 or email the agency.
For a complete schedule of classes, orientations and events for the upcoming year please visit the Adoption STAR calendar on the website.