Proposed legislation in Texas could allow adoption agencies to avoid placing children with LGBT families on the grounds of religious objection.
Adoption STAR staff members Michele Fried and Michael Hill are proud members of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), our country’s largest LGBT political lobbying/advocacy organization. In addition, Adoption STAR is a part of the HRC’s “All Children, All Families” initiative, meaning that our agency has achieved all of HRC’s LGBT cultural competency benchmarks and are leaders in supporting and serving LGBT families.
We were stunned to learn of recent political developments in Texas, as per a blog post on the HRC website from today entitled, “Texas Legislature Poised to Sanction Discrimination in Adoption: Adoption Groups and HRC Fight Back.” You can read the blog post: Texas Legislature Poised to Sanction Discrimination in Adoption: Adoption Groups and HRC Fight Back
For decades now, child welfare professionals have realized that the LGBT community serves as an incredible prospective resource for children in need of homes with safe, stable, loving families. Simply put, the idea that fewer LGBT homes would be considered for child placement does nothing to serve the best interests of children.
If you or someone you know lives in Texas, here’s a message for you: PLEASE contact House Speaker Joe Straus or your own state Representative and encourage a “NO” vote for a bill that’s openly discriminatory towards Texas-based LGBT individuals and families.