Adoption STAR’s Main Office was beautified thanks to the help of some amazing student volunteers from the University of Maine.
When Adoption STAR’s Development Associate Kristin Ackerman got word that a group of students were looking to do a volunteer service project for our agency, we were thrilled. As conversation about the students’ interest in helping us progressed, we were shocked to learn the students in question were all based in Maine!
As described in the February 28th, 2016 edition of The Main Campus, Operation H.E.A.R.T.S. (Hands on Educational Association Reaching out Through Service) “is a medically-based service student organization comprised entirely of students who have a passion for service and volunteerism. The group completes service projects in various locations throughout Maine each semester, and travels every May to complete volunteer projects in different U.S. cities.” The group is based out of the University of Maine.
Their trip this year was focused on Western New York, and included multiple service projects for lots of great Buffalo-based organizations. Women and Children’s Hospital, UNYTS, Ronald McDonald House, and Adoption STAR (among others) all benefited from the group’s time, dedication, and commitment.
After receiving an “Adoption 101” presentation from Adoption STAR’s Associate Director Michael Hill, the group spent time planting, weeding, spreading mulch, and doing a general “spring cleanup” around the grounds of Adoption STAR’s main office. Their efforts produced some beautiful results, and our gardens are sure to delight agency staff, clients and visitors for the rest of the warm weather months.
A heartfelt “THANK YOU” to Operation H.E.A.R.T.S. for their time spent volunteering here at Adoption STAR. As future healthcare professionals, we hope what you learned about adoption proves to be helpful once you embark on your respective career paths.