We recently published our official recommendations on how to handle social media as it relates to adoption as a birth parent or adoptive parent http:/...

We recently published our official recommendations on how to handle social media as it relates to adoption as a birth parent or adoptive parent http:/...
New York Democratic Assemblyman David Weprin (D-24th A.D.) is sponsoring legislation concerning his “Bill of Adoptee Rights” (A.2003) to open adop...
Good Morning Everyone! Here is a great blog post from “Portrait of Adoption.” The writer of the post, Carrie Goldman, has two biological c...
Original birth certificates have been in the news lately, first with the release of President Obama’s and now the state of New Jersey is close t...
© Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Today the use of social media is the “norm.” However it is a new forum for those who are touched by adoption… al...
Two weeks ago I wrote a short post about the PBS Documentary “Off and Running,” which the adoption STAR staff watched at a staff training dinner. ...
Like many women, Dana wanted to be a mother. She was married in 1998, and within 6 months she and her husband Wayne were attempting to conceive a chil...
This is a big weekend for Adoption STAR as we will be celebrating Birth Mother’s Day on Saturday, as well as Mother’s Day on Sunday. This week on ...
This is a big weekend for Adoption STAR as we will be celebrating Birth Mother’s Day on Saturday, as well as Mother’s day on Sunday. This week on ...
Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Open adoption can be a scary thought without education, however at Adoption STAR we feel that...