Bindu had dreamed of being a mother for as long as she can remember, and though she said she hasn’t found that special person to start a family with...

Bindu had dreamed of being a mother for as long as she can remember, and though she said she hasn’t found that special person to start a family with...
The Washington Post recently wrote a feature on two American teenage adoptees who were adopted from Eastern Europe, one from Russia and one from Kazak...
The New York State Adoption Registry is a website that can be used by adoptees, birth parents, and birth siblings of adoptees, in their efforts to con...
This Post was written by Adoption STAR CEO and Founder, Michele Fried. Deb and Susana were at the very early stages of the adoption process when a pho...
Yesterday we asked our Facebook followers to fill in the blank: “National Adoption Month is a time to __________” and we received a lot of...
This blog post was written by Cynthia Christensen, who is the author of “Restorative Grief: A Guide to Healing From Adoption.” Cynthia is ...
This blog post was written by Adoption STAR CEO and Founder, Michele Fried. Today is the first day of November. For many it is just another Tuesday,...
What is post adoption contact? It is another way of describing an open adoption, often within a written agreement between the adoptive parents and b...
For those who have not seen our new staff bio pages, we have recently added introduction videos for the staff members. I’d like to take the opportun...
You asked and we answered. We receive emails on a regular basis from people touched by adoption, asking us to write about different adoption-related t...