Jena Heath recently wrote an article in The Austin American-Statesman about the adoption journey she, her husband and their daughter Caroline have gon...

Jena Heath recently wrote an article in The Austin American-Statesman about the adoption journey she, her husband and their daughter Caroline have gon...
We’ve had great responses to the Adoption STAR Book Club that we introduced last week, and today we’re announcing that the first book the ...
By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR CEO and Founder. Adopting Zachary was one of the greatest experiences of our lives. We can remember it as if it were...
For those that missed the Facebook post earlier today, we would like to begin an Official Adoption STAR Book Club. The “meetings” will tak...
By Michele Fried I was one of those who chose not to watch the Casey Anthony trial. But I know so many people who did. Emotional reactions to the verd...
Flashback to favorite children’s movies Allow me to take a step back from the specific topic of adoption today, and let’s take a quick trip back t...
By Lisa Geiger, Adoption STAR Family Advocate and Adoption Counselor When I told my children that I would be working for an adoption agency, almost im...
We asked our adoptive parents on Facebook page for some advice for potential adoptive parents, and received a lot of great tips. The common themes fro...
If you are looking for a new book on adoption, The Wall Street Journal blog recently reviewed an updated edition of “Adoption Nation” by Adam Pert...
A few weeks ago I posted 5 questions from the Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program test that I took. Four people were brave enough to post their...