Calls to Action: Use this last week of the Grassroots Campaign to check and see which Members of Congress have become cosponsors of S.105...

Calls to Action: Use this last week of the Grassroots Campaign to check and see which Members of Congress have become cosponsors of S.105...
On this Veteran’s Day, our CEO and Founder Michele Fried answers questions about military families and the adoption process On Veteran’s Day w...
In today’s blog post, we look at the benefit of checking your old tax returns to see if you qualify for the Adoption Tax Credit Did you know tha...
In today’s blog post, we look at the benefit of checking your old tax returns to see if you qualify for the Adoption Tax Credit Did you know tha...
On Tuesday, September 17th 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in our main office, Adoption STAR will offer a financial planning seminar. In today’s blog post, m...
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 is a very happy day, okay I will say it, it is a very gay day… for more reasons then many may ever realize! Marriage Equali...
The IRS wants you to know that if you if are an adoptive parent then don’t delay your adoption credit refund! In a 2013 article, the IRS reports tha...
Adoption Tax Credit Is Made Permanent, but Not Refundable....
Two time STAR Adoptive Dad and Tax Expert Jason Tuff – “Like” him on facebook: – outlines tax credi...
Two time STAR Adoptive Dad and Tax Expert Jason Tuff – “Like” him on facebook: – outlines tax credi...