The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) has been in the news lately, due to a South Carolina Supreme Court ruling to return baby Veronica to her birth fat...

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) has been in the news lately, due to a South Carolina Supreme Court ruling to return baby Veronica to her birth fat...
Adoption STAR will be holding an adoption class on “Telling Your Child Their Birth Story” on Thursday, September 13, from from 6:00 pm ...
This is the third part in a three-part series on the history of adoption, and adoption practices “then and now.” Much of the information was taken...
This blog post was written by Brittany, an Adoption STAR adoptive mother. My husband and I have 11 children. We have adopted four times and are plan...
NFL Pro Bowl Center, Scott Wells, and his wife recently returned home from Uganda after completing their adoption of three children; Carolina, RJ and ...
Adoption STAR has Frequently Asked Question pages for Adoptive Parents, Birth Parents, and International Adoption. One question we receive a lot from ...
The field of adoption has changed throughout the years. Before the 1980’s, almost every adoption was closed and there was no contact between bir...
“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” was released in theaters last weekend and Jennifer Garner, who stars in the movie, recently spoke about ...
Yesterday, Adoption STAR wrote a blog post about “truths and myths for birth fathers” and we asked our Facebook followers about the myths ...