Adoption Laws in Your State
Adoption STAR is proud to serve expectant parents (birth mothers and fathers) and prospective adoptive couples and singles nationwide. Founded by an adoptive mother, Adoption STAR has a deep respect for all members of the adoption triad. The very special staff of the agency provides 24/7 hand-holding support, education, and compassion throughout the adoption journey.
If you are pregnant or considering adoption, contact Adoption STAR today: toll free at 1-866-691-3300 or 716-639-3900; email Adoption STAR Expectant Parent Department or use our contact form.
Adoption STAR has compiled a state-by-state adoption resource guide. The purpose of his page is to assist you in your adoption journey. This page contains local adoption content and links to help assist you as you learn more about adoption. Please know that the information provided within these states below may not be accurate due to the changing laws in adoption so please contact Adoption STAR directly with any specific questions related to adoption in your state.


Text (For Birth Parents)


We are here to helpAlabama
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Alabama. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Alabama please contact Adoption STAR directly.
The birth mother may consent to an adoption before birth in front of a Probate Court Judge, or any time after birth in front of a notary public. The birth father may consent any time in front of a notary. The Alabama consent is irrevocable 5 days of child’s birth, if signed prior to birth, or 5 days after signing, if signed after birth. The consent may be revoked for an additional 9 days, with reason shown in a Petition filed, and the Court will hold a best interest hearing. There is no automatic return of the child. There is a putative father registry. Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in Alabama. Out of state residents may finalize in Alabama.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Alaska. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Alaska please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may consent to the adoption any time after birth. The Alaska consent is irrevocable 10 days after consent, or birth of the child, whichever is later, unless a court finds revoking the consent is in child’s best interest. Return of the child would then be automatic. There is no birth father registry is Alaska.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in Alaska. Out of state residents may finalize in Alaska.
If you are pregnant and considering adoption in Arizona or currently reside in Arizona and are hoping to adopt a child, Adoption STAR can help you. Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Arizona. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Arizona please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may consent to the adoption 72 hours after birth. The consent is irrevocable upon signing. There is a putative father registry.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state residents may not finalize in the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Arkansas. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Arkansas please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may consent to the adoption at any time. A consent is deemed irrevocable 10 days after baby’s birth or signing, whichever is later. If the 10th day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the period extends to the next business day. If a revocation occurs before that time, return of child is automatic. There is a putative father registry.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise within the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in California. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in California please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may surrender her child after her discharge from the hospital or she may sign at anytime after the child’s discharge if the birth mother’s competency is verified.
A birth parent surrender is considered irrevocable in private adoption 30 days after signing, unless birthparent waives the right to revoke. If it is a California agency taking the surrender, the surrender is deemed irrevocable after the Department of Social Services acknowledges the relinquishment, which is deemed 10 business days after receipt, if not acknowledged earlier. There is no putative father registry in the state.
Prospective adopters may not advertise within the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize in the state if placing birthmother resided in California at time of consent or when petition is filed.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Colorado. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Colorado please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may surrender her child after her discharge from the hospital or she may sign at anytime after the child’s discharge if the birth mother’s competency is verified.
The consent of the birth parents may be given pre-birth, but may not be submitted to court until 4 days after birth. The consent is deemed irrevocable upon filing it with the court and the order is signed by a Judge. The birth parents must show fraud or duress within 90 days of placement to revoke consent. There is no putative father registry in the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may consider advertising within the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize an adoption in the state only if they utilized a Colorado state licensed adoption agency for the placement.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Connecticut. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Connecticut please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may surrender her child after her discharge from the hospital or she may sign at anytime after the child’s discharge if the birth mother’s competency is verified.
A consent may be signed placing a child for adoption 48 hours after birth. The consent is considered irrevocable after finalization of the adoption, which typically occurs within 30 days of filing the consent. Return of the child would be automatic if a revocation was received before then. There is no putative father registry in the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise within the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Delaware. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Delaware please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may surrender her child at any time after birth while a birth father may surrender at any time. The surrender is considered irrevocable within 14 days after signing. Return of child is automatic if all parties agree. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise within the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize within the state.
District of Columbia
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in District of Columbia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in District of Columbia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Within an independent adoption a consent may be signed any time after birth. Within an agency adoption the consent can only be signed 3 days after birth. A consent is deemed irrevocable after it is filed in court within an independent adoption and 10 days after signing with an agency adoption. If revocation occurs before this period, return of child is automatic. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state in they are working with a DC adoption agency.
Adoption STAR is a Florida licensed adoption agency. In this state, a birth mother may sign her consent within 48 hours after birth, or after release from the hospital, whichever is earlier. The birth father may sign any time after birth. Within a newborn placement, the consent is irrevocable upon signing, unless fraud or duress is proven. With a consent taken for a child ages 6 months or older, the consent is deemed irrevocable 3 days after signing or when the child is placed in an adoptive home, whichever is later, unless fraud or duress is proven. A statement of non-paternity can be revoked only if fraud or duress is shown. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Reasonable living expenses (including rent, utilities, phone, food, transportation, clothes, insurance), medical and attorney fees, and adoption-related expenses deemed necessary are permitted up to 6 weeks postpartum.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Georgia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Georgia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Georgia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Georgia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign a consent anytime after birth. After signing, unless court finds it is in best interest of child, the consent is deemed irrevocable. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Georgia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Georgia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may surrender the child for adoption only after birth and in front of a Judge. It becomes irrevocable at that time. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Illinois. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Illinois please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth mother’s may surrender within 72 hours after birth, while birth fathers may sign at any time during the pregnancy or after birth. The paperwork is irrevocable after signing. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Indiana. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Indiana please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother in Indiana may consent to the adoption at any time after birth and a birth father may consent at any time. The consent is deemed irrevocable upon signing, if the birth father signs before birth and it contains the statutorily prescribed language. If the birth father signs after birth there is a 30 day window to file a petition to withdraw consent. After notice is provided to adoptive parents, birth parents must prove it is in the child’s best interest to withdraw consent. If the birth parent confirms consent for the court, the birth parent loses the right to petition. Return of a child is not automatic in this state. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state if the child is deemed by state definition as a “hard-to-place” child.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Iowa. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Iowa please contact Adoption STAR directly.
The Release of Custody cannot be signed less than 72 hours after birth. After signing, the birth parent has 96 hours to change his/her mind for any reason. If the birth parent wishes to object after the 96-hour period, he/she must appear at the final termination hearing and prove that signing occurred under duress, misrepresentation and/or fraud. If the consent is revoked within the 96-hour period, return of the child is automatic. If the birth parent objects after the 96-hour deadline, the child could remain with the guardian/custodian until the Court determines whether parental rights are to be terminated. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Kansas. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Kansas please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A consent may be signed by birth parents 12 hours after the birth. After consent is signed it becomes irrevocable unless there is proof by clear and convincing evidence it was not taken as a voluntary consent. Return of child would be automatic if such evidence was found. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption where the birth parents reside or if a Kansas agency placement, where the agency is located.
Adoptive parents residing in Kansas should consider contacting American Adoptions to learn more about adoption and to begin their adoption home study.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Kentucky. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Kentucky please contact Adoption STAR directly.
72 hours after birth, birth parents may sign an adoption consent. It becomes irrevocable 20 days after signing, or after state/interstate approval, whichever is later. Return of child is not automatic. If Birth father forces revocation, return is to birth mother. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Louisiana. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Louisiana please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may consent 5 days after birth; a birth father may consent at any time. The consent is deemed irrevocable upon signing, or 5 days after birth if birth father signs prior to that, except if fraud or duress are proven. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may no advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Maine. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Maine please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may consent to the adoption at any time after birth though in practice the consent is typically taken within one week to 30 days due to court scheduling. Birth parents may revoke at any time after birth or prior to court date. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Maryland. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Maryland please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Any time after birth, the birth parents may sign a consent but common practice is to wait at least 24 hours. It becomes irrevocable 30 days after signing. Should a revocation occur prior to 30 days, return of child is automatic. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Massachusetts. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Massachusetts please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign the consent 4 days after birth. It becomes irrevocable at that time. There is no automatic return of a child. There is a putative father registry within the state. Despite this fact, the court will require a notice to the father regardless if he registers or not.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state, if child is a state resident and probate court permits it.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Michigan. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Michigan please contact Adoption STAR directly.
At any time after birth, a birth parent may consent but it must be given during a court hearing, which must be pre-scheduled. Consents are not “revoked” rather birth parents are provided time to ask for “reconsideration” but it is rarely granted as “a change of mind” is considered insufficient. If it is granted however, return of child would typically be automatic. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Minnesota. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Minnesota please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may consent 72 hours after birth and the consent becomes irrevocable 10 days after signing. Return of child would be automatic. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state unless related within 3 degrees or considered a close family friend of the child.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Mississippi. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Mississippi please contact Adoption STAR directly.
An irrevocable consent may be signed by birth parents within 72 hours after birth. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Missouri. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Missouri please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth mothers may sign a consent within 48 hours after birth and birth father may sign the consent at any time. The consent becomes irrevocable after a court approves it. A court typically approves the consent within 3 days or sets a hearing on the consent. Return of the child is assumed to be automatic. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Montana. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Montana please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth parent may terminate their parental rights via a consent 72 hours after birth as long as they received at least 3 hours of counseling with a counselor from a state-licensed child placing agency. After termination of parental rights, the consent is deemed irrevocable. If consent is revoked before proceedings are completed, return is automatic if the birth parent had custody of child before proceedings began. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Proceeding for an adoption must be in the district court of the county where petitioners reside.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Nebraska. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Nebraska please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign an irrevocable consent 48 hours after birth. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state..
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Nevada. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Nevada please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign an irrevocable consent 72 hours after birth. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
New Hampshire
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in New Hampshire. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in New Jersey please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign an irrevocable consent 72 hours after birth. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
New Jersey
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in New Jersey. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Nebraska please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may surrender 72 hours after birth. If it is a New Jersey agency adoption, the surrender is irrevocable after signing before a Judge or upon taking the surrender. Within a private adoption, the surrender is irrevocable when a Judge terminates birth parents’ rights, usually 2-4 months after birth. Return of child is not automatic should a revocation occur. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state if a New Jersey agency was utilized or if the child was less than 3 months old at time of placement (in which case papers must be filed in the county where the baby was born.)
New Mexico
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in New Mexico. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in New Mexico please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth parents may sign an irrevocable consent 48 hours after birth. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state, but attorneys may not advertise on their behalf. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state if using a New Mexico agency but may not finalize within the state if adopting privately.
New York
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in New York. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in New York please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Adoption STAR is Authorized in New York State as an adoption agency. A surrender may be signed by birth parents at any time after birth. A man denying paternity may make an irrevocable denial before the birth of the child. The surrender becomes irrevocable 30 days after signing the surrender if taken by an Authorized NYS adoption agency and transfer of child to adoptive parents was made. Within a private adoption the surrender is deemed irrevocable 45 days after signing and transfer of child to adoptive parents occurred. Revocation of the surrender triggers a “best interests” hearing if the adoptive parents or agency choose to contest the revocation. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Allowable birth parent expenses may include medical, legal, counseling, living (housing, maternity clothes, and transportation) and may be paid to the birth parents from two months pre-birth to one month post-partum, unless court finds extraordinary circumstances to extend this period.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Wyoming. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Wyoming please contact Adoption STAR directly.
The birth parents may sign the adoption consent at any time after birth. The consent is irrevocable after signing, unless fraud, duress, or coercion is proven; or unless other birth parent does not consent and rights are not terminated. There is a putative father registry within the state. There is no law regarding birth parent expenses.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
North Carolina
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in North Carolina. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in North Carolina please contact Adoption STAR directly.
There is no minimum time specified within the law before a consent may be signed. Consent may be revoked within 5-7 days after a surrender is signed, depending upon the type of surrender and placement. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
North Dakota
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in North Dakota. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in North Dakota please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Within a North Dakota agency adoption, the consent to place a child for adoption may occur at any time after birth. Within a private adoption the birth mother may sign 48 hours after birth and the birth father may sign at any time. The consent becomes irrevocable after termination of parental rights at a termination hearing occurs in court occurs an order is issued. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents typically do not finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Ohio. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Ohio please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Adoption STAR is an Ohio licensed adoption agency. The surrender may be signed 72 hours after birth as long as the Birth Parent Assessment has been completed prior to birth. If not, then the surrender may be signed 72 hours after the completion of the assessment. The surrender is deemed irrevocable after surrender is taken by an Ohio licensed adoption agency. In private adoptions, the surrender becomes irrevocable only after an interlocutory order is received (usually at 30 days) or final decree is issued. If fraud, duress, or misrepresentation is proven, consent can be withdrawn at any time. Return of the child not automatic in Ohio and withdrawal of the consent must be in child’s best interest.
Within Ohio, allowable birth parent expenses may include medical and legal in all adoptions and medical, legal, living and counseling expenses in agency cases. Living expenses are prohibited in private adoptions, unless a court permits. In interstate cases where Ohio is the sending state, rules of receiving state regarding birthparent expenses apply. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. In some courts, out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Oklahoma. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Oklahoma please contact Adoption STAR directly.
The birth mother may sign a consent in front of a Judge any time after birth. Putative birth father may sign Extra Judicial Consent (an out of court consent) with 15 days to revoke. The relinquishment is irrevocable unless the birth parent can prove fraud or duress, the putative father’s rights cannot be terminated, or the adoptive parents did not file a Petition for Adoption within 9 months after the relinquishment. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state as long as they have a valid home study. No outside agencies, attorneys or facilitators may legally advertise in Oklahoma. In some courts, out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Oregon. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Oregon please contact Adoption STAR directly.
With an Oregon agency adoption, a birth mother may consent to the adoption at any time after birth. The birth father may consent to the adoption at any time. The consent is deemed irrevocable with an Oregon agency adoption after the child is placed with adoptive parents. Within an independent adoption, the consent is irrevocable after state requirements are met, usually within a few days of placement. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state if the child’s birth mother is a resident of the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Pennsylvania. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Pennsylvania please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may not consent to an adoption until 72 hours after birth while a birth father my consent at any time after he learns of her pregnancy. A birth mother’s consent is typically irrevocable within 30 days after signing. The revocation period may extend to 60 days if they can prove fraud or duress. Return of a child is not automatic, but difficult for adoptive families to challenge. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Rhode Island
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Rhode Island. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Rhode Island please contact Adoption STAR directly.
With a Rhode Island agency adoption, a surrender may be taken 15 days after birth. If it is a private adoption, termination of parental rights may not occur until approximately 6 months. The consent is irrevocable 180 days after decree is entered, unless mitigating circumstances are filed. In practice, the return of the child would be automatic. There is no putative father registry within the state. There is no law within the state regarding birth parent expenses.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
South Carolina
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in South Carolina. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in South Carolina please contact Adoption STAR directly.
There is no minimum time specified within the law before a consent may be signed however it typically occurs at least 24 hours after birth. Consent is irrevocable immediately unless birthparent can prove consent was involuntary and withdrawing consent is in the child’s best interest. In practice, return of child would be automatic should a revocation occur. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
South Dakota
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in South Dakota. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in South Dakota please contact Adoption STAR directly.
There is no minimum time specified within the law before a consent may be signed however it typically occurs at least 24 hours after birth. Consent is irrevocable immediately unless birthparent can prove consent was involuntary and withdrawing consent is in the child’s best interest. In practice, return of child would be automatic should a revocation occur. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Tennessee. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Tennessee please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth parent consent may be signed 3 days after birth (not including day of child’s birth) and it becomes irrevocable 10 days after consent, unless 10th day is a weekend or holiday, and then period extends to next business day. Return of the child is automatic unless petition is filed showing that child is at risk of substantial harm to be returned to custody of birth parents. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Texas. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Texas please contact Adoption STAR directly.
It is required to have a termination of parental rights hearing. Within a private adoption relinquishment is revocable for 10 days, or irrevocable for up to 60 days after signing. If properly revoked during appropriate time, return of child is likely. With a Texas agency adoption, relinquishment is irrevocable. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may not advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Utah. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Utah please contact Adoption STAR directly.
A birth mother may sign 24 hours after birth and a birth father may sign at any time. The consent is irrevocable upon signing, unless fraud, duress, undue influence, or lack of capacity is proven. Should a revocation occur, the return of the child is not automatic, but unless parental rights are terminated, return is likely. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state as long as the child was born in Utah or the custody of the child is with a Utah adoption agency.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Vermont. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Vermont please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Consent for the adoption may be signed by birth parents 36 hours after birth. The consent is irrevocable 21 days after birth, unless fraud or duress is proved. In such a case the child’s return is automatic. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state if using a Vermont licensed agency.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Virginia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Virginia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth mothers may sign their adoption consent 3 days after birth; birth fathers may sign at any time. Consent is irrevocable 10 days after signing. If revocation occurs prior to that the return of the child is automatic. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Washington. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Washington please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Any time before birth the birth parents may sign the adoption consent however it may not be approved until 48 hours after birth. The consent is irrevocable either upon court approval (typically held within 48 hours) or consent signing, whichever is later. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
West Virginia
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in West Virginia. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in West Virginia please contact Adoption STAR directly.
The birth parents may sign a consent 72 hours after birth. Upon signing, if consent complies with West Virginia code, the consent is deemed irrevocable. There is no putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state. Out of state adoptive parents may not finalize the adoption within the state.
Below you will find a brief overview of adoption in Wisconsin. Please know that the laws which will apply to your adoption can vary based on several circumstances, including but not limited to, the state in which the baby is born, the state in which the baby will be placed, etc. For more specific information on adoption in Wisconsin please contact Adoption STAR directly.
Birth mothers may sign their adoption consent in court at any time after birth. The adjudicated/presumed father may sign in court at any time after birth. The putative father may sign any time after birth, and signing does not need to occur in court. The court must hold the hearing after birth and within 30 days of filing petition to terminate rights. There is 30 days to appeal on basis of fraud, mistake, undue coercion or inadvertence. Return of child is automatic upon revocation, unless the birthmother chooses another placement option, such as foster care. There is a putative father registry within the state.
Prospective adoptive parents may advertise in the state as long as they are home study ready. Licensed agencies may advertise, however facilitators or agencies from other states may not advertise. Out of state adoptive parents may finalize the adoption within the state.
There are differences between adoption agencies. This is your journey. It is important that you select an agency that you feel comfortable with and one that will provide you with the support and assistance you need. Adoption STAR provides CONFIDENTIAL, UNBIASED and COMPASSIONATE information, support, expertise, and guidance. Contact us today.
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