Pregnancy Health: Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is the first part in a five-part series on pregnancy health. If you would like more in-depth information on prenatal care please visit the Adoption STAR website.

As soon as you discover you are pregnant, it is important to begin your prenatal care. Even if you have been pregnant before, and delivered a healthy baby, it can be truly dangerous to you and your unborn child to skip your prenatal care.

If you are older than 35 years of age, have chronic health problems such as diabetes or heart problems, have had a history of pre-term labor, you can be considered at high-risk for pregnancy complications.

Your first prenatal care visit should be 6-8 weeks into your pregnancy, or about 2-4 weeks after your period should have happened. Visit the prenatal section of the Adoption STAR website to learn what exactly to expect during your visits as well as all of the tests available to help ensure the health and safety of you and your baby.

If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, a sudden loss of fluid, a noticeable absence of movement by the baby or more than three contractions in an hour, immediately contact your health care provider.

Adoption STAR is here to provide you with more information on your pregnancy and prenatal care as well as adoption information and support. To speak with Adoption STAR’s Birth Parent Specialist, Sue Shaw, please email, fill out this contact form or call the agency toll free at 1-866-691-3300