Adoption STAR Founder/CEO Michele Fried writes about a sensitive topic that may resonate with adoptive parents.

Several years ago (even before Adoption STAR had an e-newsletter or blog), we published an article on adoption and depression. Years later (after we created the agency blog), we authored and posted a piece in 2012 that focused on adoption and depression, as we found the topic remained an important one. Even today it continues to be a relevant subject to discuss (and to talk honestly about).
Recently, the Chicago Tribune published an article with the heading, “depression among new parents is not limited to those who go the childbirth route,” stating that Post Adoption Depression Syndrome (PADS) is a very real condition.
Adoptive parents Karen J. Foli, PhD, and her husband John R. Thompson, MD, wrote a book on the topic entitled, “The Post-Adoption Blues: Overcoming the Unforeseen Challenges of Adoption.” In the book, they examine the possible reasons for post adoption depression.
Compounding the challenge of Post Adoption Depression is the fact that many adoptive parents are reluctant to share their experiences with adoption professionals for fear that they will be judged (or worse).
Often adoptive parents wish to be viewed similarly to mothers and fathers who have given birth. However, we have our own set of circumstances, challenges, expectations, experiences, fears, milestones, requirements, stress, and grief that are unique to adoptive parenthood. It is important to trust the adoption professionals we work with so we can share all of this with them and get the support, guidance and assistance necessary to get through Post Adoption Depression.
It is essential for us at Adoption STAR to inform prospective parents that we have pre- and post-support services to sustain families through this experience. Many adoptive parents are surprised to learn that when it comes to Post Adoption Depression, they are not alone.
Truly…you are not alone. Feel free to reach out. Family STAR, the post adoption department of Adoption STAR, is uniquely qualified to assist you!