Social media and the Internet have changed the face of adoption. To help wade through the enormous amount of information (and misinformation) out there on adoption, Adoption STAR has authored an E-Book and published an article on this topic. Today, we clarify and offer helpful links and advice to legitimate adoption opportunities on the web.
No children whose photos appear on the Adoption STAR
or on any Adoption STAR printed literature are available for adoption.
In the news recently we learned of families, feeling desperate, who went to the Internet and posted stories of children they wish to find adoptive families for. The Internet is not an adoption agency. This is not the way to find help for one’s family or to make an adoption plan for a child.
However, it is important to know that it is permissible for reputable and licensed organizations to share information online about children in need of adoptive families. Typically this information would include a photo and bio on the child and almost always that child has been in foster care, waiting for his or her forever family for many years. Organizations, such as and www.ocfs.ny.gove/adopt are just two reputable sources for finding older children residing in the United States in need of adoptive parents. In fact, due to this photo listing of waiting children, the numbers of successful older child adoptions have increased.
There are very strict regulations for the process of listing children who reside outside of the United States on the Internet. Many Hague Accredited agencies who are advocating for waiting older children in other countries, will opt for secure access websites where you would be given a login code if you were pre-approved to adopt internationally, or e-newsletters describing some children without photos will go out directly to those who are considering an international adoption.
If you wish to learn more about international adoption, feel free to contact Megan Montgomery, LMSW, International Adoption Coordinator with Adoption STAR at 1-866-691-3300 or email her at to request to receive the International Adoption E-Newsletter. For a sample of the newsletter, please click on the picture below.

Read Megan Montgomery blog series What to Expect:
- Preparing for International Adoption
- Orphanage Care
- Attachment and Bonding
- Developmental vs. Chronological age
- Post Adoption-Love at First Sight?
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