Myth: “Singles Cannot Adopt”

By Kristin Ackerman

Being completely new to the world of adoption, there were plenty of myths that I believed were true! The myth that singles cannot adopt is not a myth that I completely believed because of celebrities being able to adopt as singles. For example, Brad and Angelina are not married. Neither is Sandra Bullock.

The myth I recently heard was that those celebrities pay to “cheat the system” and are placed with a child when your typical single adoptive parent would not. Celebrities have to go through the same legal process as any single adoptive parent would. They do not receive special treatment.

Madonna adopted a little girl from Malawi in 2009. The adoption almost didn’t happen, as a Malawi court originally ruled the adoption didn’t meet local legal requirements because applicants must live in the country for 18 months before submitting their paperwork. But, a supreme court later ruled in Madonna’s favor. Madonna had also gotten the same overruling three years prior to adopt her son David Banda.

“The idea that people think I got a shortcut or an easy ride is absolutely ludicrous. I have never worked so hard for anything in my life, and I’ve never been given such a hard time,” Madonna told Time magazine while she was in the process of trying to adopt David. “And my celebrity has worked against me in every way.”
