It is not uncommon to have concerns about costs when you are dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. Your relationship with Adoption STAR will not cost you anything. All counseling, support, referrals and legal services will be at no cost to you.
In most cases, Adoption STAR will be able to assist you with your medical bills and in many cases Adoption STAR will be able to assist with your pregnancy related living expenses.
Most states have laws related specifically to this area and describe whether or not adoptive parents are able to legally provide financial assistance for living expenses such as rent, utilities, food, transportation and maternity clothes and up to what amount and during what time frames.
Your call will be confidential and does not obligate you to place your baby for adoption. Call 1-866-691-3300 today to speak to a counselor, fill out the form below, or, email Adoption STAR.
Meet Our Waiting Families.
Our families are educated and pre-approved to adopt and are ready to get to know you and your hopes and wishes for your child.
Getting Started : Request a FREE Information Packet
You deserve the opportunity to talk about all of your options, and to be able to do so
without guilt, fear, or judgment.