Ready to adopt?
We make the process easy.


The adoption process can often be confusing and frustrating. Adoption STAR offers support, knowledge, assistance, and most importantly, personalized attention, to make this process easier.

Domestic Adoption

We provide adoption programs for the adoption of infants and older children.For the adoption of an infant, we provide the Traditional Agency Adoption Program...

International Adoption

We are proud to share that Adoption STAR is an agency with one of the highest educational standards...

A-OK Adoption

A-OK Adoption

If you’re hoping to expand your family, adopting from our A-OK Program may be the right decision for you. Adoption STAR works hard to develop relationships throughout the...

Step parent and kinship adoption

Step-Parent and Kinship Adoption

Step parent adoption is when the spouse of the custodial parent adopts the custodial parent’s child...

Begin your adoption journey by filling out our registration form. You may also request a FREE information packet by calling toll free 1-866-691-3300 or email us

Home Studies

A home study is a document prepared by an agency social worker, which details the adopting families’ personal feelings and values surrounding child rearing, development, and other interpersonal issues. It is a requirement for any adoption. Adoption STAR believes that home studies should be viewed as an educational process to allow the clients and agency to get to know each other and to identify what adoption path the client is most comfortable with.

Adoption Education

Adoption STAR is known for its incredible adoption education program. Founded by an educator, Adoption STAR specializes in providing pre and post adoption educational opportunities. In addition, those exploring a domestic adoption will fall in love with the educational opportunities provided for them as well.

Open, Semi-Open, and Closed Adoptions

The terms open adoption, semi-open adoption, and closed adoption are familiar terms in the field. However they tend to hold varying definitions depending on whom you talk to. There is no one formula that dictates whether an adoption is open or closed as there is a beautiful array of options where both adoptive parents and birth parents can tailor an adoption that is comfortable for them and in the best interest of the child. Adoption STAR has briefly outlined the broad definitions for each of the terms below. Allow yourself to learn more about these options.

Post Adoption Support

Studies have shown the importance of post adoption support. Families need their adoption agency long after the adoption is finalized, as adoption is a lifelong process with different presenting issues related to ambiguous loss, grief, anger, and issues of identity at various developmental stages for the child. Adoption STAR’s post adoption department, known as Family STAR, is responding to the need to effectively serve adoptees and their birth and adoptive families long after the adoption finalization.

Frequently Asked

What does Adoption STAR offer?

The agency offers consultation, counseling, educational classes, a resource library, as well as adoption services. Home studies, updates, post-placement, post-adoption support, expectant parent, birth parent and adoptive parent counseling, and child placements are just some of the services Adoption STAR is offering. In addition, our expert staff is committed to assisting you in your adoption planning by offering you support, knowledge, assistance, confidentiality, and most importantly, personalized attention.

Why should I work with Adoption STAR?

You should choose an adoption agency that will best meet your needs, offering you confidential and personalized services. Adoption is often overwhelming, and it is important that you are comfortable with the agency you decide to work with. At Adoption STAR, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and experience within adoption. Most importantly, we LOVE adoption.

Who are the children?

Within the domestic programs, Adoption STAR provides placement programs for children of all ages from infancy through age 21. The agency places children of all races, backgrounds, and special needs. Most are healthy; some may have special needs or be born at-risk for developing special needs. Within international adoption, the children available are most often 9 months old and up.

What is required for the home study?

The home study at Adoption STAR is a process. This process includes gathering the necessary paperwork, attending educational classes and/or obtaining credits toward adoption education, as well as meeting with a social worker. Adoption STAR does not simply consider a home study a stamp of approval to adopt, but an educational opportunity for you to learn more about adoption in general. Equally as important, the home study process gives Adoption STAR the opportunity to get to know you and thus best assist you in exploring your adoption options.
Text (For Birth Parents)

Thank You

The decision to adopt a child is one of the most serious and important decisions a family can make. Choosing the right agency is necessary.


There are differences between adoption agencies. This is your journey. It is important that you select an agency that you feel comfortable with and one that will provide you with the support and assistance you need. Adoption STAR provides CONFIDENTIAL, UNBIASED and COMPASSIONATE information, support, expertise, and guidance. Contact us today.