A Western New York-based school’s efforts will help Adoption STAR provide holiday cheer to birth families.

Over the course of Monday and Tuesday of this week, Adoption STAR received quite a surprise – over 20 bags of brand new toys and a substantial cash donation!
Unbeknownst to us, the student government at the Notre Dame Academy, a Catholic school in South Buffalo, was holding a “12 Days of Christmas” fundraiser/toy drive for Adoption STAR. The student government, which is comprised of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students at the school, did an amazing job! We are so appreciative of their generosity and support of Adoption STAR.
An extra special “thank you” goes out to Notre Dame Academy student Grace Spero and her family for really spearheading this project. Grace and her family were the first to drop off a sizable toy donation on Monday. However, it didn’t stop there! Notre Dame Academy teacher Sarah Lawton stopped by the agency on Tuesday with even more toys and an envelope with a sizable cash donation!
Every year in mid December, Adoption STAR holds a holiday party for birth parents and the children they are parenting. Thanks to the student government at Notre Dame Academy (and all the incredible folks that made contributions in the form of toys or cash), we’ll be able to offer some WONDERFUL future birth family holiday parties full of great gifts for all the ki
ds in attendance.
Thank you Notre Dame Academy student government members, Grace (and her family), and Sarah for showering Adoption STAR with your kindness, thoughtfulness, and charitable spirit. You’ve provided us so much…including a deep appreciation for your embodiment of the human kindness that can characterize the holiday season