At the beginning of an adoption journey, many think of the road that has led them to this point, the paperwork to come, wonder how long the process will take, and how in the world they will put together an intriguing profile. We often do not consider how this beautiful journey can progress with new friendships created along the way. Friendships are just one of the exciting surprises Adoption can bring to families.
Are you thinking to yourself “How does one have time to start a friendship while trying to work on a Home Study or while parenting our new child?!” Here is a look into the stories of Adoption STAR families who made friends along their adoption journey:
Casey and Brad didn’t know what to expect when we went to the home study classes. We guessed there would be about ten total couples, but we didn’t have any idea if there would be a couple that would relate to us. After sitting down at an empty table with six chairs, another couple sat and we chatted with them for a bit. Another couple came in a bit late due to the weather and they sat in the two other chairs at our table. We hit it off with Katy and Ethan. Once Katy and Casey said a few one-liners, we knew this couple would help us get rid of our nerves. The classes were great, but having that connection with Ethan and Katy made it that much greater. We exchanged information and have been in frequent contact regarding each other’s adoption process. Once we were matched with a birth mom, they were the first ones we told (even before our family) because of our connection through the home study classes. We look forward to the day when they are matched so we can be the first ones to congratulate them!
– Brad & Casey
Emily and Kristen were in my group at the STAR home study classes. We exchanged emails and phone numbers and agreed to stay in touch to support each other through the wait. As it turned out, our adoption journeys matched us with our oldest children within a few weeks of each other. As Myles and Amelia grew we had play dates and shared developmental milestones. We both added to our families, welcoming Olivia and Ezra, also adopted through STAR. When I unexpectedly went through a divorce and became a single mom, Emily and Kristen became part of my support network, and I truly consider them family.
– Rachel
When we first began our adoption journey, we never really got connected to the STAR families who were in our area, but once we brought our oldest son home, we quickly became involved in the local Rochester events so we could get to know other families like ours. What I never expected was that many of these people would become wonderful friends – not only to my son, but to my husband and me. We are so fortunate to be part of the Rochester STAR family and love the support of this group. When we headed to Cleveland for the arrival of our second son, three STAR moms were up half the night with me texting and checking in as we anxiously awaited news on the arrival of our son. These same friends were a huge support as our son was transferred to the NICU and we had some sleepless nights. From the annual STAR events, to play dates, to the “Moms” night out, I am so grateful that we have found so many amazing families who we can lean on for advice/support as our kids grow.
– Melissa
To be continued…