Who Chooses Adoption?
What is clear however, is that those who choose adoption are of all ages, races, religions, and circumstances. Another commonality shared among those who make an adoption plan is that they genuinely want what is best for their baby and themselves.
Married and single people may find themselves with an un-timely pregnancy. During this time, those who have the ability and desire to even consider an adoption, exhibit a very special quality.
Women who choose to make an adoption plan are not selfish. They tend to be deep thinkers who utilize complex decision-making skills to decide what is best for their baby. Not only do they provide their child with an abundance of love, but they also provide a family with the gift of parenthood.
What Kind Of Parents Do I Want For My Child?
Adoption STAR knows there is no perfect parent but strives to identify parents who are exceptional. Exceptional parents take the time to explore, research, learn and thoughtfully consider… they believe in pre-adoption and post-adoption support and education. They are parents who truly can provide a child with the love and security they need to flourish.
Just like you, Adoption STAR wants parents who are loving, healthy, patient, flexible, etc., but in addition to these qualities, you may have a very real list of preferences that will assist you in selecting parents for your child. Share your preferences with your caseworker. Adoption STAR will provide you with an amazing choice of adoptive parents.
Will My Child Hate Me For This Decision?
After hundreds and hundreds of adoptions, we can say that we have found that children who have been adopted do not have negative thoughts or feelings regarding their birth parents. Adoption STAR also has adult adoptees as staff members and volunteers and is truly inspired by their positive adoption stories.
Your fear that your child will be upset with your decision is understandable, but often that fear comes from our own feelings of grief and loss. Saying goodbye is painful and difficult. Please know that you will always be your child’s birth mother and no adoption plan will ever change that.
There are so many adoptees, some are even celebrities today. Adoption is not odd or rare, but rather one way that a family is created by way of the gift which began with the child’s birth parents.
Adoptive parents are asked to share the child’s adoption story and birth family story with the child. The information provided to the child will be much of the information that you shared regarding your background, family, medical history, interests and hobbies, etc. Perhaps you have chosen to meet the adoptive parents or have a semi-open or open adoption and are able to provide information to the child yourself. This may be through the open adoption contact you chose or perhaps through a letter you wrote your child. One thing is certain, the adoptive parents will answer the child’s questions with sensitivity and with love and will explain how very difficult and unselfish your decision was. Whether or not you chose to be involved later in life, your child will be told that you cared so much for them that you put their needs
ahead of your own.
Is It Selfish To Place A Child For Adoption?
Who Places Their Children For Adoption?
Can I Choose The Adopting Family?
If My Child Was Recently Taken By Child Protective Services, Can I Still Choose A Family To Adopt My Child?
I Know Adoption Star Finds Families For Babies, But Do You Have Waiting Families For Children That Are Older Or Who Have Siblings? Or Children With Special Needs?
What If The Baby’s Father Does Not Agree With An Adoption Plan?


Text (For Birth Parents)


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You deserve the opportunity to talk about all of your options, and to be able to do so
without guilt, fear, or judgment.
There are differences between adoption agencies. This is your journey. It is important that you select an agency that you feel comfortable with and one that will provide you with the support and assistance you need. Adoption STAR provides CONFIDENTIAL, UNBIASED and COMPASSIONATE information, support, expertise, and guidance. Contact us today.
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