Family STAR
Because Adoption is a Lifelong Journey
Adoption is a life-long journey for all members of the adoption triad – adoptive parents, birth parents and adoptees. Regardless of how a person is specifically touched by adoption, there are some inherent challenges, questions and issues that may present themselves over the course of time. Thankfully, post adoption services can go a long way towards helping individuals and families achieve greater stability, deeper understanding, and comprehensive support.

The Program
Family STAR (Support, Training, Advocacy & Resources) is a compassionate family centered program that is a part of Adoption STAR, a domestic and international adoption agency.

Our Vision
Family STAR will enable anyone touched by adoption to receive the services that Adoption STAR has expertly provided to clients for several years – Support, Training, Advocacy and Resources – in the form of post adoption assistance. Whether individuals or families are Adoption STAR clients or not, regardless of the level of openness in the adoption (open, closed or semi-open), and regardless of the type of adoption (domestic, international, foster or kinship), Family STAR services are open to all people. We will work to ensure excellent care and service delivery for everyone we serve.

Our Mission
Family STAR, a department of Adoption STAR provides post adoption support services to any member of the adoption triad in need of assistance. Adoption is a lifelong journey and is therefore a part of someone’s “story” forever, regardless of their specific connection to adoption. As a result, Family STAR is committed to offering education, counseling, referrals, support groups or activities to assist anyone in the community touched by adoption.
S.T.A.R. Stands for…
Counseling and encouragement is provided via one-on-one and group sessions.
Workshops and educational classes are offered in small and large group settings. The curriculum and topics are comprehensive and engaging.
Learning how to advocate for our families is one of the most important responsibilities each of us has, we look forward to working with you on developing these skills.
Family STAR has developed resources and referrals to assist individuals and families in all aspects of their post adoption journey.
Adoptive and birth families experience the same life journey as any family would. We have great milestones such as birthdays and graduations, and we also experience challenges such as death and divorce. However, for families touched by adoption, these life experiences may have additional components and emotions connected to them.
In an effort to be proactive (as opposed to reactive), coupled with the fact that we have always understood how crucial it is for our agency to be a place that understands the experiences and emotions of all members of the adoption triad, we have created a host of services to provide to families who have been touched by adoption.
Family STAR Services

Post Adoption
For those experiencing difficulties in their adoption journey, Family STAR, an adjunct service to Adoption STAR, is available to provide individualized intervention and support. Experienced, professional counselors will be available through Family STAR to assist with issues such as: defining an open adoption relationship that will best meet the child’s needs over time; dealing with grief and loss related to placing a child; building attachment with an older adopted child, self esteem and other identity issues, cultural competency and relationship building, etc.

Search and Reunion
Search and Reunion: Whether an individual engages in a formal search for biological family members or not, they search daily with their thoughts, feelings, and fantasies. Connecting with professionals who understand the issues involved in search and reunion, the individual will be better prepared to choose whether or not to embark on a formal search path.

As anyone in the field of adoption can attest to, identity issue struggles for children can be exacerbated when they are also adoptees. As a result, the children themselves (as well as their families) may be in need of additional support. Parenting and family counseling, support, training, advocacy and resources are easily available to those parents and families interested.

Marriage and Divorce
There are many life issues to deal with and when one’s marriage is in jeopardy it can cause a host of additional issues. Family STAR offers individual, couple’s and family counseling. The setting is confidential and the sessions provide an opportunity to address how the marital issues play a role in one’s adoption journey as well.

Family STAR provides a safe and confidential environment for individuals and couples to begin to deal with the affects of infertility. Clients are encouraged to consider individual, couples and small group support sessions. Participants are able to create a healthy plan that includes continuing fertility treatments, deciding if and when to cease such treatments, exploring various options to reach parenthood or choosing to remain childfree. Adoption STAR’s vision statement includes the following sentence, “We will continue to expand and advance our support programs for all throughout every stage of their adoption journey.”
With this sentiment in mind, we are pleased to announce the creation of Family STAR, a department of Adoption STAR that will focus on post-adoption services and support.
Adoption is a life-long journey for all members of the adoption triad – adoptive parents, birth parents and adoptees. Regardless of how a person is specifically touched by adoption, there are some inherent challenges, questions, and issues that may present themselves over the course of time. Thankfully, post adoption services can go a long way towards helping individuals and families achieve greater stability, deeper understanding, and comprehensive support.