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Private Track Training

Presented by Shaun Doyle Adoption STAR created The Agency Assisted Private Adoption Program, often referred to as “Private Track,” to provide increased opportunities to adopt an infant. This creative and […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced to the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures, including the many services and programs we offer. After registering for this information session […]

Waiting Families Support Meeting

Virtual support meeting for waiting families hosted by Shannon Boeheim and Kathy CrisseyWe recognize that this is a stressful and overwhelming time for you and would like to hold a […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Introducing Adoption STAR’s A-OK (Adopt an Older Kid) programBecome introduced to Adoption STAR’s A-OK (Adopt an Older Kid) program and the policies, procedures, and services offered to clients interested in […]

Preparing Extended Family for Older Child Adoption Webinar

 Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and friends are all impacted when a child or sibling group is adopted into their extended family. Adoptive parents often spend a significant amount of […]

Calling All Single Adoptive Parents

Are you single? Single by choice; single before or after you adopted; single because of separation, divorce, death?Panel Facilitated by Kathy Crissey, LMHC and Shannon Boeheim, MSWAre you single? Single […]

Attachment-Focused Crisis Deescalation Webinar

This webinar will focus on crisis management for families who are caring for youth with extensive trauma histories and disrupted attachments This training will provide the framework for how we […]

Private Track Training

For clients of Adoption STAR who are currently in the Private Track ProgramAdoption STAR created The Agency Assisted Private Adoption Program, often referred to as “Private Track” to provide increased […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced to the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures, including the many services and programs we offer. After registering for this information session […]