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A-OK Q&A Sessions

Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The Q&A is an informal opportunity to gain answers to everything you are wondering about as it relates to children being placed from foster care.After registering […]

Financial Planning Webinar

New parents, especially new adoptive parents, need to consider several things related to the financial security & protection of their familyNew parents, especially new adoptive parents, need to consider several things related to the financial security and protection of their family. This class is facilitated by an adoptive parent who is a financial advisor along […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures, including the many services and programs we offer.After registering for this information session you will receive instructions on how to join the online event.Contact Adoption STAR at 866-691-3300 or via email at or visit our website for additional information […]

Adoption When You Have Children

Develop a better understanding of the impact of adoption has on your family unit.This workshop for A-OK families is designed to help prospective adoptive parents develop a better understanding of the impact of adoption has on their family unit. Focus will be on understanding sibling relationships, setting expectations, rule and boundaries and how bringing another […]

A-OK Q&A Sessions

Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The Q&A is an informal opportunity to gain answers to everything you are wondering about as it relates to children being placed from foster care.After registering […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced to Adoption STAR’s A-OK (Adopt an Older Kid) program and the policies, procedures, and services offered to clients interested in adopting an older child.After registering for this information session you will receive instructions on how to join the online event.Contact Adoption STAR at 866-691-3300 or via email at or […]

Private Track Training


For clients of Adoption STAR who are currently in the Private Track Program Adoption STAR’s Agency Assisted Private Adoption Program, often referred to as “Private Track,” provides increased opportunities to adopt an infant. This creative and flexible program will teach you how to advertise yourself with the training, guidance, and support of the agency. With […]

ANCHOR A-OK Educational Class, Series 3

Adoption STAR Main Office 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

For those pursuing the domestic adoption of an older child or an international adoption The A-OK educational classes are referred to as ANCHOR (Attach, Nurture, Commit, Healing, Open-minded, Resilience). They are specific to those considering the adoption of an older child or children. The classes give attendees a great deal of information that prepares them […]