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Pre-Parenthood Educational Class Session 6 (Virtual Class)

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

The pre-parenthood adoption classes are specific to those considering the adoption of a child NOT in foster care in the U.S. Families are provided with the information and preparation necessary […]

Online Adoption Orientation Session (Webinar)

This session will introduce you to Adoption STAR and the services and programs the agency offers. The session will cover infant adoption through older child adoption. There is no cost […]

Online Orientation Session (For Ohio Residents)

Join us as we will cover infant adoption through older child adoption. This session will introduce you to Adoption STAR and the services and programs the agency offers in the […]

Pre-Parenthood Educational Class Session 7 (Virtual Class)

The pre-parenthood adoption classes are specific to those considering the adoption of a child NOT in foster care in the U.S. Families are provided with the information and preparation necessary […]

Financial Planning Webinar for the Adoptive Family

New parents, especially new adoptive parents need to consider several things related to the financial security of their family. This class is facilitated by adoptive parents Amy Jo Lauber, CFP(R) […]

Navigating Open Adoption Webinar

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Webinar workshop A webinar workshop where we address questions from participants, as well as have discussion around maintaining the connection, boundaries and the importance of communication etc. This workshop is […]

ANCHOR A-OK Educational Class – Series 5, Session A

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

The A-OK educational classes are referred to as ANCHOR (Attach, Nurture, Commit, Healing, Open-minded, Resilience). They are specific to those considering the adoption of an older child or children. The […]

Online Orientation Session (For Ohio Residents)

Join us as we will cover infant adoption through older child adoption. This session will introduce you to Adoption STAR and the services and programs the agency offers in the […]

Online Adoption Information Session (Webinar)

Introduces the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures. The many services and programs of the agency are explored. Adoption STAR staff will facilitate.An email will be sent […]

Waiting Families Support Meeting

Virtual support meeting for waiting families. We recognize that this is a stressful and overwhelming time for you and would like to hold a virtual support meeting for our waiting […]