A-OK Q&A Sessions
Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The […]
Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The […]
For those pursuing the domestic adoption of an older child or an international adoption The A-OK and international educational classes are referred to as ANCHOR (Attach, Nurture, Commit, Healing, Open-minded, […]
For those pursuing a domestic infant adoption The pre-parenthood adoption classes listed here are specific to those considering the adoption of a child NOT in foster care in the U.S., […]
The annual conference focuses on emerging trends and recent legislation that will transform the practice of foster care and adoption into the future. http://affcny.org/
Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures, including the many services and programs we offer.After registering for this information session you will […]
Join us in celebrating Adoption STAR's 25 years of supporting the adoption community! More details to come on this quarter-century gala...
This event is open to children and adults, and is an absolute blast!The Parade begins at Noon on Elmwood Avenue & Forest Avenue and ends at Elmwood Avenue & Allen […]
Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced to Adoption STAR’s A-OK (Adopt an Older Kid) program and the policies, procedures, and services offered to clients interested in adopting an older child.After registering […]
Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and friends are all impacted when a child or sibling group is adopted into their familyAdoptive parents often spend a significant amount of time educating […]
A panel of birth parent speakers who have made adoption plans will share their stories.This staff moderated panel will include a question-and-answer session with panel participants, including questions from the […]