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20 in 20 Committee Meeting

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

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Online Adoption Orientation Session (Webinar)

Introduces the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures. The many services and programs of the agency are explored. Adoption STAR staff will facilitate.An email will be sent […]

ANCHOR A-OK Educational Class – Series 1, Session A

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

The A-OK educational classes are referred to as ANCHOR (Attach, Nurture, Commit, Healing, Open-minded, Resilience). They are specific to those considering the adoption of an older child or children. The […]

Adoption Orientation Session (Cincinnati, OH Area)

Adoption STAR Ohio Office 18 W. 9th Street, Suite 100, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Introduces the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures. The many services and programs of the agency are explored. Adoption STAR staff will facilitate.

Pre-Parenthood Educational Class – Session 1

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

The pre-parenthood adoption classes are specific to those considering the adoption of a child NOT in foster care in the U.S. Families are provided with the information and preparation necessary […]

Lessons from Adult Adoptees (Buffalo, NY Area)

Adoption STAR Main Office 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

Listen to the adoptee. A panel of adult adoptees will share their stories and answer questions. Panel of adoptees, facilitated by Megan Montgomery, LCSW.Contact Adoption STAR at 866-691-3300 or via […]

Adoption Orientation Session (Fort Lauderdale, FL Area)

Adoption STAR Florida Office 1040 Bayview Drive, Suite 318, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Introduces the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures. The many services and programs of the agency are explored. Adoption STAR staff will facilitate.

Adoption Orientation Session (NYC Area)

Introduces the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures. The many services and programs of the agency are explored. Adoption STAR staff will facilitate and a family who […]

ANCHOR A-OK Educational Class – Series 1, Session B

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

The A-OK educational classes are referred to as ANCHOR (Attach, Nurture, Commit, Healing, Open-minded, Resilience). They are specific to those considering the adoption of an older child or children. The […]

Calling All Single Adoptive Parents (Buffalo, NY Area)

Adoption STAR Main Office 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

Are you single? Single by choice; single before or after you adopted; single because of separation, divorce, death. Single parenting is filled with joy as well as unique challenges. Join […]