Evan B. Donaldson Institute Cites Adoption STAR In Newest Report on Adoption and the Internet

Adoption STAR and CEO Michele Fried, are listed in Dr. Jeanne A. Howard’s report entitled, “Untangling the Web:  The Internet’s Transformative Impact on Adoption.”   See PDF Full Report on the attached link or click here to download a copy.

Adoption STAR is mentioned on pages 14, 46, and 66.

Michele Fried is the author of an article entitled:  Adoption and Social Media:  Recommendations For Healthy Ongoing Communication.  Additionally, Adoption STAR published an E-Book entitled, Adoption and Social Media: The Effects of Social Media and the Internet on Child Adoption.

In addition to it’s research, article and E-Book, Adoption STAR has written Social Media Policies and Procedures for Employees, a Secure Systems Usage Policy, and updated Confidentiality Agreements including social media and technology usage.  Adoption STAR employees frequently speak on the topic and have held workshops and webinars addressing how to safely utilize the Internet and social media platforms to find members of the adoption triad as well as to maintain connections with one another.