Craft activities for children: My “Me” Scrapbook

It’s always important to promote creativity, especially with children. When these creative activities can be educational or promote confidence and self esteem, even better.

The My “Me” Scrapbook project from looks to be fun, creative and educational.

The website says that the purpose of the project is for children to  “start and maintain a personal scrapbook. It is ongoing but does not need to be kept up daily.”

To begin the project you will need:

– A scrapbook

– Scissors

– Pictures

– Magazines

– Glue

The great part about this project is that there are only two steps, but it is never ending. It is something to do with your kids after special occasions or whenever there is free time and new pictures to add.

Here is how the website suggests participating in the project:

  1. Start on the first blank page of your scrapbook and write your name, date of birth, address, and any other personal details.
  2. Thereafter, fill each page with pictures, photos, drawings, writings, and items that reflect who you are and who you want to be. Remember to include the date each time you find something you want to paste in. You can even include mementos such as tickets and postcards if they have personal significance. In the years to come, you will treasure this “me” book that you have made.
What are some of your favorite craft activities to do with your children?