Here are some Adoption STAR staff reactions to the latest film clip we watched as a part of our TV/Film clip viewing project. See our Facebook post on...

Here are some Adoption STAR staff reactions to the latest film clip we watched as a part of our TV/Film clip viewing project. See our Facebook post on...
Calls to Action: Use this last week of the Grassroots Campaign to check and see which Members of Congress have become cosponsors of S.105...
Today’s blog post encourages readers to learn more about the Academy Award nominated film Philomena, starring Judi Dench. New York Times Film Critic...
In today’s blog post, we look at the referral process and how to make informed decisions. The outcome of an adoption is related significantly to...
We are featuring blog posts in honor of National Black History month and as a resource for transracial adoption. Adoption STAR’s First Annual Af...
We are celebrating Presidents’ Day with a fun adoption quiz. Happy Presidents’ Day. [accordian] [toggle title=”Who are the only two ...
This weekend, 2/15/2014 & 2/16/2014, many radio stations will carry an interview with Michele Fried on adoption related topics. Adoption STARR...
We are featuring blog posts in honor of National Black History month and as a resource for trans-racial adoption. Adoption STAR’s First Annual A...
As a fun way to explore our new website and for you to get to know our staff, here is a quiz. Answer the question by mousing over the answer […...
Welcome to Adoption STAR’s new website. There is so much to discover here. Take a tour of some of our new and updated pages. You will find great usa...