Today many opt to pursue an agency adoption due to the many benefits it provides. Adoption STAR is a unique agency providing not only traditional agen...

Today many opt to pursue an agency adoption due to the many benefits it provides. Adoption STAR is a unique agency providing not only traditional agen...
Policies, rules and regulations governing adoption are always evolving and changing. Read today’s blog post to learn more about an important act tha...
Christina Romo is an adoption professional with a very well respected, adoption-focused blog entitled Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee. The follo...
From Adoption STAR’s perspective, pre-parenthood adoption education is a key element of adoption readiness. As per our Adoptive Parent Services book...
For an expectant woman that’s making an adoption plan, the creation of a birth plan is an important step in the process. Typically a birth plan is a...
Conducted in 2007, the National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP) was a “first-of-its-kind” survey that studied adoptive families (and their exper...
Regular acknowledgement of birth fathers and the emotions they may feel as a part of placing a child for adoption doesn’t happen enough….and that ...
Published back in April of this year, the U.S. Census Bureau offers up some information and analysis of adopted children and stepchildren (and their f...
Adoption STAR’s Director of Adoption Kathy Crissey shares a piece of beautiful poetry that would never have been written without an adult daughter a...
Two different perspectives on making the decision to place a child for adoption – a birth mother offers one perspective while a birth grandmother of...