In less than a handful of cases in the past 14 years Adoption STAR has experienced informing a family that the birth parent(s) have revoked their surr...

In less than a handful of cases in the past 14 years Adoption STAR has experienced informing a family that the birth parent(s) have revoked their surr...
As mentioned in previous blog posts, the Child Welfare Information Gateway is an incredible resource for adoptive families. Adoption STAR highly value...
Founder & CEO Michele Fried discusses the difficult but joyful responsibilities of being a parent. I found this article very funny. I read it ligh...
Adoption STAR’s Founder & CEO Michele Fried discusses ways to deal with and minimize stress. “Wow. I have been feeling really stressed out...
March is not only Social Work Month and Adoption STAR’s Birthday Month but it is also Women’s History Month. Because the founder of Adoption STAR ...
Happy 14th Birthday, Adoption STAR! Now that we are in 2014 we begin our fifteenth year of operation for Adoption STAR. So where did it all begin and ...
Founder & CEO Michele Fried discusses the definition, causes, and treatment of anxiety. Recently we wrote about stress and offered ways to deal wi...
Founder & CEO Michele Fried explores how the adoption process often gets one to consider how both coincidence and fate come into play. We have an...
This weekend, 2/15/2014 & 2/16/2014, many radio stations will carry an interview with Michele Fried on adoption related topics. Adoption STARR...
CEO & founder Michele Fried challenges you to take a 7-day Blog Challenge. Take this 7-Day Blog Challenge. Whether you have made an adoption plan...