We are so excited to welcome Ryan Ryan DiMartino (they/them) to the podcast! Ryan is part of the LGBTQIA+ community and has two children that they mad...
All About Adopting An Older Child (Part 1)
There are over 400,000 kids in foster care and about 125,000 of those children are legally freed for adoption. This means that reunification with thei...
New Coronavirus is a Double Punch for Adoptive Families
Across the world travel restrictions have been imposed in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. The Department of State has issued a Level 3 Adv...
10 Ways You Can ‘Nest’ While Waiting to Adopt
Juno? In one memorable scene, prospective adoptive Mother Vanessa Loring is shown painting a nursery. Vanessa says, “What to Expect says that readyi...
Hair & Skin Care Class 2016
Adoption STAR and WNY Naturals are proudly teaming up to provide a hands on hair and skin care class designed to meet the needs of multiracial adopt...
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Guest Blogger Claudia Meyer, Adoption STAR client and adoptive mother, offers advice to prospective adoptive families on how to cope with “the wait....
Stability and Security: Getting Set to Adopt
Guest Blogger and Attorney Anthony Zurica offers helpful advice to waiting prospective adoptive parents. While you wait to bring home your adopted chi...
Accurate Adoption Language
A recent gaffe by a TV Commentator at the Olympics highlights the importance of adoption language and terminology. Just last week Friday, Adoption STA...

Adoption Education: An On-Line Resource
Here’s a list of training options for foster/adoptive parents happening this fall/winter. The New York State Office of Child and Family Services (OC...

A Visit From Our Agency’s Counsel Emeritus
Adoption STAR’s Flory Herman is making a visit to our main office on August 1st, 2016! Late last week, Adoption STAR’s Founder/CEO Michele Fried s...