We’d welcome your advocacy and support for the Adoption Tax Credit! Adoption STAR believes that the cost of an adoption should not be a barrier that...

We’d welcome your advocacy and support for the Adoption Tax Credit! Adoption STAR believes that the cost of an adoption should not be a barrier that...
Parents need to be fully informed about all of the tax deductions and credits available to them. Anyone familiar with our blog knows that we share lot...
A timely offering for adoptive families as they organize and prepare their tax documents. The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) is ...
We encourage you to advocate for a refundable tax credit for adoptive families. Let your voice be heard! Adoption STAR is a member of the adoption tax...
Do your part to advocate for a REFUNDABLE adoption tax credit. Our friends at the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) have been worki...
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption encourages YOU to advocate for the Adoption Tax Credit. Adoptive families can benefit dramatically when progra...
Here’s a request for personal stories from adoptive families about how the adoption tax credit was helpful and important to them. Adoption STAR is p...
Some important adoption tax credit basics for families that finalized their adoptions in 2014. With 2014 drawing to a close and 2015 right around the ...
Calls to Action: Use this last week of the Grassroots Campaign to check congress.gov and see which Members of Congress have become cosponsors of S.105...
Key Message: Don’t give up! Members of Congress and their staffs have very busy schedules. Each day they are contacted by hundreds of people who wan...