Adoption STAR is the lead New York State agency for the Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program. This blog post is part of the training manual from...

Adoption STAR is the lead New York State agency for the Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program. This blog post is part of the training manual from...
This week’s adoption poem was written by a nine-year-old girl, Amanda Dees, about having two families; her adoptive family and birth family. Two...
We started the Adoption STAR Pen Around the World Project in January 2012 in order to tell a fun story of where the pen has been at the end of [&helli...
Adoption STAR has previously published individual chapters of its E-Book “Adoption and Social Media: The Effects of Social Media and the Interne...
If you were watching the Olympic Track and Field events Friday night, then you may have seen US Shot-Putter, Reece Hoffa win the bronze medal. You pro...
Well it rained a second year in a row at the Adoption STAR Adoptive Family Picnic, but it was still a fun day as the kids enjoyed a great puppet [&hel...
In September 2011 Adoption STAR held its first “Telling Your Child Their Adoption Story” workshop in Rochester, and we are happy to be bri...
Taking your child to the doctor can be a nervewracking and stressful experience for both parent and child…even if it’s just for a routine ...
Recently a new Adoption STAR client, Lisa, posted a question on the Adoption STAR Facebook page, looking for advice as she and her husband begin their...
This adoption poem was written by an unknown adoptive father about waiting to find out if he and his wife had been selected to adopt two young boys. I...