April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month....

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month....
Myth: International adoption is more expensive than domestic adoption. Here is the truth: It is a misconception that there is a large difference betwe...
National Infertility Awareness Week runs from April 21st through April 27th, 2013....
This is not a typo. There are 153 million orphaned children worldwide. Many are destined to live out their childhoods without ever being adopted. What...
Guest blogger, Jennifer Nichol, shares her thoughts on life in a multicultural family. We are in the middle of packing up for our Harambee Camp, which...
Adoption Expert and Adoption Social Worker, Peter Winkler, LMSW writes about adoption agencies that are non-governmental or private. He writes regular...
Sue Reardon shares the how to’s of telling your child’s adoption story. Being adopted often comes with a number of unanswered questions. A...
Adoption Tax Credit Is Made Permanent, but Not Refundable....
What is Babywearing? Babywearing is exactly as it sounds, wearing your baby on your body. Though it may seem like today’s latest trend, the concept ...
Our Associate Director Michael Hill, travels to Binghamton, NY and conducts an adoption seminar for The Apalachin Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta...