Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses how the particulars of a culture can inspire those seeking to adopt internationally ...

Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses how the particulars of a culture can inspire those seeking to adopt internationally ...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especi...
Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses the post adoption period and the challenges of the initial period of bonding. Someti...
On this Labor Day, we honor the labor and precarious existence of those who were forced onto the Orphan Trains. Here is selection of passages (referen...
Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson has been working on forms for Adoption STAR. In part 2 of this two-part blog series, she writes about her particula...
Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson has been working on forms for Adoption STAR. In this two-part blog series, she writes about her particular fascinat...
In celebration of fiftieth anniversary of the The March on Washington, we are posting an excerpt of Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech. For many of...
It’s time again for Wordless Wednesday. On Wordless Wednesdays, we enjoy pictures of families joined through adoption. Today’s theme is si...
Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery promotes the upcoming workshop at the Adoption STAR office – Become an Advocate for Your...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried recounts the painful story a birth mother who had been raped and then placed her baby for adoption. She...