As a fun way to explore our new website, we’re going to play the He Said/She Said game. We’re going to give you a quote along with some hi...

As a fun way to explore our new website, we’re going to play the He Said/She Said game. We’re going to give you a quote along with some hi...
We are featuring blog posts in honor of National Black History month and as a resource for transracial adoption. Adoption STAR’s First Annual Af...
We are celebrating Presidents’ Day with a fun adoption quiz. Happy Presidents’ Day. [accordian] [toggle title=”Who are the only two ...
This weekend, 2/15/2014 & 2/16/2014, many radio stations will carry an interview with Michele Fried on adoption related topics. Adoption STARR...
We are featuring blog posts in honor of National Black History month and as a resource for trans-racial adoption. Adoption STAR’s First Annual A...
As a fun way to explore our new website and for you to get to know our staff, here is a quiz. Answer the question by mousing over the answer […...
Welcome to Adoption STAR’s new website. There is so much to discover here. Take a tour of some of our new and updated pages. You will find great usa...
In the news this week, the Philippines is raising adoption awareness. The Republic of the Philippines has dedicated this week (Feb 4-10 actually) as â...
Valentina is a beautiful and special young girl (and STAR friend). If you have any information to locate this missing girl, PLEASE contact Det. Ray Ma...
Adoptive Parent Mentor and Coach Sue Reardon is organizing Adoption STAR’s First Annual African & Caribbean American Culture Day on Saturda...