Adoption STAR is always looking for volunteers to assist with a variety of agency related work. We’d welcome your participation! Adoption STAR Devel...

Adoption STAR is always looking for volunteers to assist with a variety of agency related work. We’d welcome your participation! Adoption STAR Devel...
A recent article in the New York Times offers up one adoptive parent’s perspective on choosing to share (or not share) her child’s “adoption sto...
Tapestry Books makes it easy to own this wonderful documentary, a worthy addition to any adoptive family’s DVD collection. Adoption STAR’s prospec...
October 15th is an important annual day of remembrance for families that have experienced pregnancy loss or infant death. October has been proclaimed ...
Back for the second time in 2015, this popular class will train Adoption STAR prospective adoptive parents on the realities of newborn/infant care. Fo...
A recent video posted online shows an adoptive grandmother meeting her granddaughter for the very first time. When prospective adoptive parents become...
Dr. Joy Hoffman offers a top ten list that’s a “must read” for anyone that has (or hopes to) adopt transracially. Dr. Joy Hoffman is the Directo...
Adoption STAR Founder/CEO encourages you to purchase an item through a Bravelets fundraising page she’s set up for our agency. Bravelets offers up a...
Adoption STAR’s International Adoption Coordinator Meg Montgomery provides information and resources that may be of interest to prospective adoptive...
SOFIA (Supporting Our Families Interested in Adoption) is running an event in Rochester this weekend that’s sure to be a blast for all attendees! Ro...