Each May we recognize National Foster Care Month to provide an opportunity to shine a light on the experiences of the more than 380,000 children and y...

Each May we recognize National Foster Care Month to provide an opportunity to shine a light on the experiences of the more than 380,000 children and y...
Utilizing Private Track to Increase Applicants’ Opportunities to Adopt. If the applicant(s) is/are hoping to adopt an infant domestically, Adopt...
Adoption STAR is always looking for submissions for our e-newsletter and blog. What are we looking for? The focus is on adoption, parenting, adoption ...
On Wednesday, May 15th, Adoption STAR is sponsoring a workshop entitled “Telling Your Child Their Birth Story and Other How To’s.” The workshop ...
Adoption STAR Supports STUCK, an award-winning documentary film (produced by Both Ends Burning) that uncovers the real-life stories of children and pa...
Adoption Star is very excited to announce that we can now, more formally, assist you in the creation of your adoption profile! Over the years we have ...
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month....
Myth: International adoption is more expensive than domestic adoption. Here is the truth: It is a misconception that there is a large difference betwe...
National Infertility Awareness Week runs from April 21st through April 27th, 2013....
This is not a typo. There are 153 million orphaned children worldwide. Many are destined to live out their childhoods without ever being adopted. What...