Lynda is an Adoption STAR adoptive mom in the Western New York area. Currently she and her family are a foster family in the county they live in and a...

Lynda is an Adoption STAR adoptive mom in the Western New York area. Currently she and her family are a foster family in the county they live in and a...
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Is celebrated annually from May 6, also known as National Nurses Day, through May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nurs...
The month of May can be a very exciting time in our area. Gray skies give way to sunshine and each day brings new beauty as flowers begin to break [&h...
A photographer and University of Iowa student chronicled her journey all the way from conception through delivery in this beautiful story of an expect...
Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, who were the teens featured in 16 and Pregnant an MTV show, are now 21 and have been together almost nine years, ...
After raising eight children (one biological and seven adopted) to adulthood, and fostering over 20 more, I met my wonderful husband Mark. Not only di...
Last year Adoption STAR reported on the case of Polo tycoon John Goodman who adopted his girlfriend. The Florida case burst into the media with allega...
Bill Passes in Florida to Bring “Normalcy” in the Foster Care System A bill known as HB 215 aimed at bringing a little more “normalcy”...
The Agency’s philosophy is to work in the best interest of children and to find forever families for children, not children for families....