To even begin to understand the reality of attachment and bonding we need to know what these terms mean. Attachment: Attachment is a tie between two p...

To even begin to understand the reality of attachment and bonding we need to know what these terms mean. Attachment: Attachment is a tie between two p...
Many families shy away from social gatherings during their adoption wait, especially where children are present. But we promise that the 13th Annual A...
In today’s post, Sue Reardon talks about how open adoption impacted a recent medical scar. If you are anything like me, you probably look forwar...
Guest Blogger: Steve Harris, Program Director, Radio One Cincinnati and Adult Adoptee When you’ve been raised with your birth-family, you can look i...
Associate Director Michael Hill, As the New York State Project Lead for the Federally-funded Infant Adoption Awareness Training Project (IAATP), I’v...
University of Chicago Adoption Center reached out to Adoption STAR on our Facebook Page and asked us to share this valuable resource. Their team has c...
Guest Blogger Christy Lohner speaks about her domestic second open adoption and how different it was from her much more open first international adopt...
Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson found this question on Facebook : “Birth mothers who created adoption plans – How did you know the Adop...
By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Founder & CEO I bet you felt lonely as you waited in bed It’s better for your health I’m sure they all sa...
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dixon Family as they say goodbye to a loving husband, father, brother, uncle and friend. We were deeply saddened...