Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson has been working on forms for Adoption STAR. In part 2 of this two-part blog series, she writes about her particula...

Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson has been working on forms for Adoption STAR. In part 2 of this two-part blog series, she writes about her particula...
Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson has been working on forms for Adoption STAR. In this two-part blog series, she writes about her particular fascinat...
In celebration of fiftieth anniversary of the The March on Washington, we are posting an excerpt of Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech. For many of...
It’s time again for Wordless Wednesday. On Wordless Wednesdays, we enjoy pictures of families joined through adoption. Today’s theme is si...
Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery promotes the upcoming workshop at the Adoption STAR office – Become an Advocate for Your...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried recounts the painful story a birth mother who had been raped and then placed her baby for adoption. She...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried, advocates for open adoption records. She examines the current laws in New York, Ohio and Florida and t...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried, inspired by the naming of the newest prince to the English Royal Family, writes about how she named he...
Adoption STAR will cover the donation fee to participate in the September 28, 2013 Paws in the Park Walk for the first 30 adults who sign up on the Ad...
Unless it touches you personally, many people don’t realize that even though same-sex marriage has been making heading, there is still a fight on th...