There are very few moments in life in which every detail is etched into our memories. Maybe you can remember what song was playing on the radio, what ...

There are very few moments in life in which every detail is etched into our memories. Maybe you can remember what song was playing on the radio, what ...
Key Message: Don’t give up! Members of Congress and their staffs have very busy schedules. Each day they are contacted by hundreds of people who wan...
Founder & CEO Michele Fried discusses the difficult but joyful responsibilities of being a parent. I found this article very funny. I read it ligh...
Being completely new to the world of adoption, there were plenty of myths that I believed were true! The myth that singles cannot adopt is not a myth ...
“Love is a game that two can play and both win.” ~Eva Gabor (Hungarian-born American socialite and actress) Surprisingly, the number of US adoptio...
Starting July 14, 2014, any agency or person providing adoption services in intercountry adoption cases involving orphan children will need to be accr...
Involving birth fathers in the adoption process is imperative. Just because the birth mother is no longer in a relationship with the birth father is n...
Guest Blogger: Steve Harris, Adult Adoptee I saw a story in USA Today about the two sisters who after 17 years found each other at a track meet in Was...
As promised, here are some Adoption STAR staff reactions to the film clips we mentioned earlier this month both on Facebook and our agency blog. See o...
by Sue Reardon If I have heard any myth over the years, it has been this one. It is usually tossed around casually by well meaning friends and family ...