Agitation Plus Inspiration

April Dinwoodie offers some compelling commentary regarding transracial adoption, race, and more as we close out Black History Month.
As the CEO of the Donaldson Adoption Institute, April Dinwoodie is a real “mover and shaker” in the world of American adoption. Layer on the fact that she’s an adult adoptee that was transracially adopted, and her words and reflections have even more power and influence.

She wrote an excellent piece for the 2/26/16 edition of the Huffpost Black Voices blog, and it’s well worth reading. Whether you’re an adoptee that’s “lived” transracial adoption, adoptive parents that have adopted transracially, or prospective adoptive parents that are open to the idea of transracial adoption, this is an especially important read for you.

Here’s a link to the article in its entirety: Thinking About Black History Month and Transracial Adoption