Adoption, Same Sex Couples, and Mississippi

Mississippi is the only state in the country with an adoption ban that’s specific to same sex couples. A recent lawsuit will try to make this reality a thing of the past.

BrittanyJessicaQuote“Mississippi’s ban on adoption by gay and lesbian couples blatantly discriminates against loving families, unfairly harms innocent children, and plainly cannot be reconciled with the constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection as recently interpreted by the Supreme Court,” attorney Roberta Kaplan said in a statement.

Media outlets were busy on August 12th, 2015, as they covered a story that has incredible significance for same sex couples that are parenting children in the state of Mississippi – a lawsuit had been filed that will attempt to take down the state’s ban on same sex couples adopting children.

Interestingly enough, Mississippi has a remarkably high percentage of same sex couples that are parenting children! According to 2010 Census Bureau figures, approximately one-third of the 3,484 same-sex couples living in Mississippi are raising children, which surprisingly is the highest percentage of any state in the nation!

To read more about the specifics of the lawsuit and its potential significance, click on any of the following articles:

Mississippi Ban on Adoptions by Same-Sex Couples Is Challenged

Suit challenges Mississippi ban on adoption by same-sex couples

Mississippi Ban On Adoption By Same-Sex Couples Challenged