Adoption In The News: The inspiring story of a family of 14

Good Morning everyone! Sorry for the late start today, but I think you’ll find it worth it when you read this story from The article, entitled “2 gay dad’s, 12 happy kids, is an inspiring story of two gay fathers who have adopted 12 children from foster care in an attempt to keep siblings together under one roof.

The article is thorough and is over 6-pages long, but is worth the read to see how hard the fathers, Roger and Steven, fought to adopt in a state that does not allow unmarried couples to adopt. In fact Steven is the only father listed on the adoption papers of the 10-children they have adopted from Arizona. In order to work around these technicalities Roger changed his last name to Steven’s so that the whole family had the same last name, and they worked with a lawyer to make sure both men were able to pick up the children from school or take them for medical help.

I would recommend this article to anyone, whether they are going through the adoption process or not.