Yesterday, Adoption STAR wrote a blog post about “truths and myths for birth fathers” and we asked our Facebook followers about the myths they had heard about adoption before going on their own adoption journey.
Adoption STAR believes that one of the biggest aspects of the adoption journey is education. The agency provides a 5-week adoption education class for prospective adoptive parents that dispels many adoption myths about trans-racial adoption, open adoption and much more. Adoption STAR also provides one-on-one support and education to all expecting parents and birth parents.
Some of the myths that Facebook followers commented about included:
Brittany J: “We always heard how awful the home study and per-certification was. I guess it all depends on your attitude though. Yes…a lot is asked of you. Yes…you will need to come up with documents and facts you didn’t know existed. Yes…it can take a while to complete a home study. BUT…if you look at it as an agency doing a thorough job and if you look at it as “PART OF THE JOURNEY” to be united with your child…it really can be a wonderful experience.”
Stacey S.: “That if you (and your your partner) are Caucasian, and your adopted child is Caucasian, you must not have been open to other races and/or you spent more then most to adopt a “white baby.” ”
Alison T.: “That open adoption too scarey for adoptive parents (in that birth parents can “take the kids back” or co-parent) and/or confusing for the kids. In reality, open adoption is wonderful for everyone involved.
Jacklyn B: “That once you adopt/now that you have adopted you *will* get pregnant. No matter how long you tried to conceive before pursuing adoption, no matter what infertility treatments you used, no matter how long after the adoption the select few do go onto conceive, you *will* get pregnant. It’s only a matter of time now that you are/have adopted. Not only will you get pregnant, but you will also love that biological child more.” Also “That a birth mom must be a promiscuous teenager. That the baby was not wanted or loved by their birth family.”
Danielle L: “That everyone wants babies so that makes it hard to adopt babies.”
What are other adoption myths that you have discovered through your adoption journey?