Volunteer at Adoption STAR
Adoption STAR is always looking for volunteers to assist with a variety of agency related work. We’d welcome your participation!
Being an Adoption STAR volunteer also has the potential to:
- Expand your personal and professional network;Improve your skill set;
- Meet and interact with people committed to the well being of all members of the adoption triad – adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents.
Our office is warm and inviting, as are agency staff members. Whether you have the ability to help on a “special project” every now and then or can offer up several hours of time per week, we’d be happy to meet with you to review all the volunteer-related options our agency can provide.
Volunteering is the perfect way to feel connected to your community. The simple act of offering your skills and enthusiasm will positively impact the lives of others, as well as your own.
Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering connects you to others.
One of the better-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills
Volunteering helps you make new friends and contacts.
One of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. Volunteering also strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities.
Volunteering increases your social and relationship skills.
While some people are naturally outgoing, others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills, since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests. Once you have momentum, it’s easier to branch out and make more friends and contacts. Organizations like ours cannot function without the energy and input of volunteers like you!
Volunteer Committees
Becoming active with your community and agency is a great way to build great parenting advocacy skills, get to know the Adoption STAR agency (including building lasting friendships with other families who have adopted!) and reap plenty of personal rewards. We welcome you!
Community Outreach Committee
This committee supports Adoption STAR’s mission by assisting with marketing and outreach efforts. Comprised of adoptive parents, community leaders and other friends of the agency, this committee helps build new relationships with businesses, organizations and people who believe in forever families.
Educators Committee
This committee supports Adoption STAR’s mission by assisting with education and advocacy initiatives through our work with schools and educators. Comprised of educators – many touched by adoption – this committee helps “educate” educators about adoption. There is a growing wealth of resources for educators that can be obtained by schools, parents and individual teachers. This committee will navigate through those resources and present them to educators based on their need.
Fundraising Committee
This committee supports Adoption STAR’s mission by assisting with fundraising through special events and projects. Comprised of adoptive parents, community leaders and other friends of our agency, this committee helps to bring much-needed funds and awareness on behalf of adoption.
Summer Picnic Committee
The Annual Adoptive Family Summer Picnic is a summer highlight with hundreds of people in attendance. This event is provided to adoptive families of Adoption STAR as a fun, family orientated summer event including food, crafts, playground and friends. Families travel from various distances to attend this successful event.
Health Care Professional Committee
This committee supports Adoption STAR’s mission by assisting with providing education and information to community health care professionals about domestic infant adoption, the agency and it’s services.
Social Action Committee
The goal of this committee is to focus on serving other charities or projects that need assistance and to build relationships with other charitable organizations within our community through volunteer projects. Over the years, Adoption STAR has held a crayon drive for a public school whose families struggle to afford school supplies. We have sent packages to soldiers deployed overseas. We have volunteered to paint group homes and organized a blood drive. As a non-profit, Adoption STAR is dedicated to assisting other non-profits. In addition through the international adoption program, Adoption STAR is involved in many humanitarian aide projects.
Shining STAR Committee
Adoption STAR is committed to placing ALL children but in order to continue to do so, much needed funds are necessary to operate an annual program that allows the agency to defray the costs associated with adopting a child with special needs. Shining STAR helps to draw special attention to children with special needs in need of adoption in the hope that we can unite many children with special needs with forever parents.
Addition to the committees
SOFIA is Adoption STAR’s support group for adoptive families and waiting families
The Blue Rose Support Group is specifically for birth mothers A.C.E. (Adoptee Circle of Experience) is a support group for adult adoptees
The Birth Grandparent Support Group is a group specifically for the parents of birth parents who have placed a child for adoption.
Thank you for getting involved!
Please contact us to get started.