David Gordon, LCSW-R
Social Worker & Clinical Support Consultant
David is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW-R) who works as a consultant for the Adoption STAR A-OK Program and provides counseling through the Family STAR Post Adoption Department. David delivers education, support and assessments for clients of the agency especially interested in older child adoptions. He brings over 30 years experience working with children, families and parents both as a therapist and workshop trainer.
David worked for Baker Victory Services in Buffalo for 28 years, most recently serving as the administrator for the mental health services provided by the agency.
In 2006, David was trained by Holly Van Gulden in working with Reactive Attachment Disorder and has worked with those concepts with many families in various ways. David conducted parent-training workshops for 10 years with the Baker Victory Adoption Program and worked with families who adopted children through those programs.
David has a private practice in Amherst NY working with children and adolescents as well as adults, couples, and families.
David is also an adoptive parent of one son who has given him a granddaughter. David’s recent interests have developed in the field of photography and he is enjoying the learning curve. In doing so, he has volunteered for the local Heart Gallery, taking photos of prospective adoptees.