Using Facebook to Adopt

ABC News recently wrote a feature that focused on families who have used Facebook and YouTube to adopt a child. It used to be, that families doing private adoptions would take out newspaper and magazine ads looking for expecting parents, however today there are over 150 million Facebook users in the United States, and the article said that YouTube has hundreds of millions of users around the world. This all means that when doing a private adoption, it is hard to ignore the massive amount of people that can be reached by Facebook ads and YouTube videos.

One aspect of adopting through social media that the article made clear, is that you should not be doing it without help. Unfortunately, there are many adoption scams online and you need to be careful who you trust. This is why Adoption STAR offers its Agency Assisted Private Track option. When using Private Track, Adoption STAR staff members will train you on the finer-points of social media, including creating a Facebook page, advertising and networking over social media, creating a personal blog, and much, much more. Once you have found an expecting mother, this woman becomes an Adoption STAR client, and receives all of the counseling and benefits that Adoption STAR provides. This will give you the peace of mind that a scam is not taking place.

While you are marketing yourselves, your Adoption STAR Family Advocate will still be providing you with matching opportunities from the agency. If you are successful in finding an expecting parent yourself, your placement fees at Adoption STAR will be cut in half.

To learn more about the Private Track Training, please contact Adoption STAR by email,  or phone at 1(866)691-3300.

To read the full ABC News article, please click here.